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Pastoral Reference

This reference form will not be made available to the applicant. The above-named applicant is applying to Youth Alive College, an extension site of Southeastern University, and is asking you to furnish a reference. YAC is a Christian institution with a desire is to admit those who will profit the most from their studies here. It is essential that you be frank, fair and accurate in your remarks and estimates.

Name of applicant you are referring(Required)
In your opinion, does the applicant know Christ as Lord and Savior?(Required)
Does the applicant demonstrate Christ in their lifestyle?(Required)
Describe the applicant's leadership ability:(Required)
What is your opinion of the applicant's level of social readiness for university life?(Required)

Rate the applicant in the following areas:
Honesty & personal Integrity(Required)
Spiritual Maturity(Required)
Emotional Maturity(Required)
Attitude toward schoolwork(Required)
Youth Alive College holds that certain standards of conduct are unfitting for a Christian (see Galatians 5:19-21). With this in mind:
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